The New Room.

As promised, below are the before and after pics of our bedroom.  We went with sort of  an army green for our walls.  It was a very close match to the greeny/browny color in our awesome rug.  I love the bed island.  It's a dream, really.


We were definitely concerned about transitioning from a full to a king size bed, especially since our bedroom is already super tiny.  We didn't really care, though.  We figured, what's really the purpose of a bedroom?  If our room that has a bed in it became only that--a bed-room, it would be just fine.  Our desire for a more spacious bed won out in the end.  And the cool thing??  The room actually looks and feels much bigger to us.  Probably because we made it more our own.


Our amazingly talented friend, Brian, is currently building us the coolest platform bed you've ever seen with beautiful Oregon wood, Myrtle.  Don't worry, we'll show you pics when it's all finished. Have absolutely wonderfully beautiful weekends! much love, betsy (look out next week for a new design project in the works) ***Song of the Moment: Neon Valley Street, by Janelle Monae***
Group 7