Shedding Pounds.

My body is changing.  My house is changing.  My life is changing.  My adult life, my 30 year old's changing.  And it all begins with the shedding of pounds. 


this is not even a small portion of it.


W and I started the year off by pretty much stealing the entire month of January for ourselves.  We gave bits and pieces to betsy & iya, but really, it belonged to us.  It all started when we decided to give each other a bed island (i.e. a king sized bed) for Christmas.  Initially, the decision was awesome.  After remembering we were paying a massive storage fee to the convenient Under-the-Bed Storage monsters, we realized what we were up against.  The day we went looking for a new mattress was the day our household President (me, of course) declared war on clutter.  At first, I thought we had no chance.  NO CHANCE.  Then we gathered our extremity army and started knocking them out, one storage nightmare at a time.


process picture.


hallway storage, BEFORE.


hallway storage, BEFORE #2


The country of clutter started waving its surrender flag moments before our new mattress from the amazing local shop, The Mattress Lot, arrived. We declared victory at 10 am in the morning, on a Monday.  We dumped at least 20 pounds of paper recycling and 100 pounds of wonderful (ahem) thrift store finds.  It felt good, really good, you guys.


hallway storage, AFTER.


for years, we've been trying to figure out what the heck these deep built-in cabinets would be most useful for. Can't believe I didn't think of it before now. Welcome to our new SHOE CLOSET.


And then the transformation began. 


these shelves make me want to shed a tear every time I look at them.


And then January was over. Tune in tomorrow for new bedroom pics, post--bed island installation. love. so much love~ betsy (The body post will come later this week.  Way too much to say about that.) ***Song of the Moment: Save Yourself, by Aesop Rock***

Group 7