Shameless press plug.

Super busy today, but I just want to brag about one thing: front page...oh yeah, baby! (bottom left) front page...oh yeah, baby!

The awesome photographers with whom I've worked on various shoots, who did my crazy website idea shoot (and totally stood behind me when I kept going wackier and wilder with the ideas), wrote me this morning to tell me we had been featured on the front page of this awesome site called, the Behance Network: Apparently, it's a pretty cool deal to be featured, so YAHOOEY!  (It's fun to watch it all spread).  I'm also super glad that the awesome team behind those wildly hot photos are getting the shoutouts they deserve.  I'll just reiterate here: Jen Lamastra of Transform Salon did the amazing hair and also held my hand as I toiled over the perfect wardrobe for the models. Sabrina Cayne did the sexy make-up. Enko Photo rocked the amazing shots, just like I had pictured them. And thank you to all the models who allowed this project to be so darn FUN! Now I must run back to work--crankin' crankin' crankin'.  wait...does that sound bad? ***Song of the Moment: Next Time, by Little Wings***

Group 7