On my way to Etsy...like, really.

No, I mean really really.  Etsy headquarters are in Brooklyn, NY.  And TODAY, I will be there.  ...  ! ... !!!!!!!!!!! Remember that awesomely amazing book I told you about?  The book every indie crafter, artist, etc should own?   The one I told you I was in??  This one:

The one with advice and contributions from hot hot hot folks like, Grace Bonney from Design Sponge, Emily Martin of the black apple, and Matt of Etsy.com (to name a few)? Well, the book's awesome author, Kari Chapin, has organized a discussion panel for the Etsy Speaker Series---and (you guessed it) I'm ON THAT THING! A great group of folks who were featured in the book, including the author; Kari, Kim Werker, Jennifer Judd-McGee, Liz Smith and yours truly, will talk about selling crafts locally, globally and online, LIVE at 7 pm eastern time TONIGHT!!  wheeee!  I am SO SO SO grateful to be included in this.  Kim gets to the point better than me:

"The panel will be a live event there [at Etsy headquarters] (if you’re in NYC, you can sign up for free here). If you aren’t in NYC or you can’t make the event in person, you can catch it live in the Etsy Virtual Labs. I’m not sure if they’ll record the panel for non-live viewing, so watch it live if you can! (Note: The panel starts at 7pm Eastern time.)"

Speaking of Kim, she said she's "stupid excited" to see Etsy in person (I couldn't agree more).  Which makes me stupid excited to meet her.  I spent many parts of my tryst with Vancouver, BC trying to explain to my Canadian friend what "stupid excited" meant.  I don't think he ever got it, but I'm hoping this post will help.

In the spirit of what-to-wear-to-Etsy-tonight, I offer you a glimpse into my Charleston Outfit of the Day:

(these earrings are some of my favorites from the new Old Turns New line.  lookout for them in the shop soon)

Okay okay okay, we gots to get on the ROAD!  Yesterday, Charleston.  Last night, DC.  Today, NY.  Brooklyn, here we come---

I'm STUPID excited for all of it!  Kari Chapin, you're... too much for words; thank you for---well, everything.

(new stores in SC and DC---lookout for 'em!)

miss you guys (wish me luck)! xo~betsy

***Song of the Moment: Walking, by the Dodos***

Group 7