Introducing: Ashley Viberg.

Attention everyone! We have a new addition to the family! Please give a warm welcome to the lovely, the short, the beautiful, ASHLEY VIBERG!!!!! betsy and iya_introducing ashley Ashley is taking over as our new super-fly-shop-gal (Trademark pending) and the second she started she hit the ground running. She's only been on board for a couple weeks now but luckily she's been stalking our brand (the powers of social media) for a few months now and is already familiar with most of our line. Her bubbly personality and genuine nature have already melted our hearts and we couldn't have picked a more perfect match. Let's get to know Ashley a little better:

Where do you hail from? I hail from the city by the bay, San Francisco. But Reno, Nevada became my second home over the past five years (no doubt that is a hidden treasure).

Morning person or night owl? I like the idea of being an early riser or late night lady but the reality is I am neither. I am a mid-morning person. I can ease into the day with a cup of coffee (or two) and the first of many once overs (oxymoron, I know) of one of my favorite publications, British Vogue. I feel fresh, creative, and at my best.

Topknot or fishtail? I enjoy top knots on everyone else but I am fishtail gal. I have thick hair and a full face so this style frames my face well. I like the texture and the unkempt but with-a-purpose look of a braid.

betsy and iya_introducing ashley3 Don't sell yourself short, Ashley! This top knot looks amazing! And that mani is lookin' real fine.

Three things I don't leave my house without? My phone. This device stays by my side almost always.  Who knows when the perfect Instagram opp will present itself.

Paper and pen. I am always making a new to-do list and adding to the current one. Some kind of

lip tint or lip gloss for touch ups throughout the day. Whatever current brand and color that suits my fancy. Well, let's be honest, I don't leave my house without my purse. Period. That bad boy is filled with many treasures. At times, I feel like Marry Poppins.

My sign? Leo. Rawr!

What makes me laugh the most? Everything! I laugh a lot. I do enjoy a good Will Ferrell quote and I love Aziz Ansari.

betsy and iya_introducing ashley4 Just a few days in and Ashley is put to work! Merchandising with Lacey and scrubbin' floors!

Fashion tips? I freelance as a Wardrobe Stylist and I am a big believer in the idea that fashion rules are meant to be broken. Fashion and style should be fun. And I will say that black is the new black! (See my post on the blog offTRACT "Too Much Black...")

Guilty pleasure Ummmm...I have a couple but probably the most uncool is watching a "romcom" aka romantic comedy. I enjoy indie flicks, foreign films, and documentaries like the next hipster (ha) but I can totally snuggle up to a romcom any day.

First kiss? I was 11 with a 13 year old boy under a slide in a playground at dusk. Romantic? No. Clammy, stiff lips...enough said. Gross! betsy and iya_introducing ashley5 Hobbies

  • Paper! I have a love affair with paper. Whether it's wrapping paper, note cards (letter press, of course), or prints, I don't discriminate. Currently, my favorite paper store is Oblation in the Pearl. I am a big gift-giver and I love wrapping (the wrapping of a gift should be a gift within itself). I am  also big on giving cards and I like to find the perfect note card for each recipient.
  • I love to dance!! And discovering new music. I am open to all any and all recommendations.
  • I have a love/hate relationship with yoga, Ashtanga more specifically. My life goal is to practice regularly. I love the way it makes me feel. It's a natural high and very grounding. But keeping a regular schedule is an ongoing struggle. Something to work towards :)

Favorite snack Is gelato a snack? Trader Joes Mediterranean Greek Yogurt Dip. It compliments hummus and it's great on any kind of veggie or cracker.

Favorite b&i pieces That is a hard one... I was a huge b&i fan before I worked here. So, probably my very first b&i purchase at one of my favorite shops, Bespoke located in Truckee, California. It was the Redundant Chevron ring. It's adjustable, which I love because I can wear it on any of my fingers depending on the look I am going for that day. My second favorite piece is the Golden Gate cuff. It feels special and personal, being from San Francisco. Also, it has the raddest details on the inside of it; the year the bridge was built and its geographic coordinates. And lastly, the Cathedral Park necklace, it is perfect! The essence of it is romantic but the design has an edge. It's the best statement piece I have ever owned. *Please note these favorites are in no particular order. betsy and iya_introducing ashley6 Just so happens that Ashley already owns each of these pieces and has them properly documented on her Instagram. Ashley, I would like to thank you personally for having the talent, skill, and enchanting personality that fits so perfectly into our little family. You are taking over my position as Shop Girl (haven't you heard? This girl has moved into production!) and I feel like I am leaving the floor in more than capable hands. Together you and Kelly will dominate!!   Ashley love, Barrie ***Song of the moment: Sound and Vision by David Bowie***

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