Inspired by: Pups & Pastries.

This week Alyssa has found something inspiring!

Alyssa: This week I'm inspired by this little guy:

With the new cookie shop opening last week across the street and the smell of molasses wafting in the air, I am feeling particularly inspired by the comfort that a perfectly baked cookie can bring. I am actually not a major cookie person, my particular sugar vice being gummy bears, however (and this may just be the sugar high I am riding) I have a feeling that I too may start licking the glass of Bluebird Cookie Bar. Have any of you tried Bluebird yet? It's so tasty!!!!! I got myself a classic chocolate chip the other day. Mm-mm-MM!!!! Carry on my friends! Love, Barrie ***Song of the moment: The Cure by Tegan and Sara***
Group 7