Happy Anniversary Thurman Shop!

Helloooooooo everyone!!!!! Guess WHAT!??! There's about to be a par-tay up in here!!! As many of you know, this company started in 2008 with the hard work and determination of one incredible Betsy. Since then the company has done nothing but blossomed into the beautiful flower that it is today (and it's still growing!). And for the last year a majorMAJORmajor part of this business has become the b&i brick & mortar shop.  It is because of you wonderful people that the shop has been able to succeed. Without your love and support for the shop and b&i as a whole we wouldn't be here today. So this celebration IS FOR YOU!  Duh. So here are the deets: But that's not all! Please enjoy: Food and drinks! Double Points!
  • Are you in our rewards program? Great! August 18th you get double points for every dollar you spend! **Not to mention, first customer purchase after 11:01, 1:01, and 3:01 get’s an extra 111 points!** (Not a part of our rewards program? Join! It’s free and easy! And you get discounts!)
Bridge Cuff Raffle! Buy a betsy & iya piece and enter to win one our Bridge cuffs.
  • 1st place gets their choice of: St. John's, Fremont, Brooklyn, or Golden Gate
  • 2nd place: $20 off coupon on their next purchase
  • 3rd place: $10 off coupon on their next purchase.
Gift with purchases! Spend over this much and get that much:
  • $21=  A Thank You card from one of our favorite card vendors
  • $51=  Night Watch ring + a Thank You card
  • $101= Leather Bangle + a Night Watch ring + a Thank You card
Whoa. Sensory overload. Too amazing for words, right?  Eeeeek, I'm so excited! I'm sure that words can't describe how B&W feel right now with this anniversary just around the corner; aside from Gingham, this company is their baby! I mean, I've only been here a few months and I can hardly contain myself! I feel so blessed to be a part of this family.  I get to work/laugh/play/dance/sing with the most amazing people (not to mention meet all the super-awesome-crazy-cool customers!), and I feel so lucky to be able to celebrate this milestone moment with them! And so should you! So come join us! RSVP on our Facebook page. We want to see your pretty faces!!! Lovelovelove, Barrie ***Song of the moment: Dancing In The Street, by Martha Reeves & The Vandellas***
Group 7