Birth of a Collection: You + Me, pt. 1

How does a ring go from spark to sketch? How exactly is a collection born?

The finished betsy & iya jewelry you know & love isn’t born overnight, as you've seen in our weekly Maker Monday Instagram series. With this video, however, we want to show what happens BEFORE a piece is even in our makers’ workflow. Before it has a price & a name. Before anyone has even seen it outside of our production studio. Before even Betsy knows exactly what the finished product will look like. We filmed Betsy over the months leading up to this collection’s debut to give you an unprecedented look at the birth of a collection - from idea, concept sketch, prototypes, and final finishing- and ALL the emotions that go along with a designer exposing her “baby." Did you enjoy this video? Want to hear more about Betsy's creative process? Check out the Extended Cut for the full 30 minute interview. Shop the entire You + Me, pt. 1 collection online NOW! Cheers, Anna ***Song of the Moment: Happy Together by The Turtles***
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