An Ode to the NW Lunch.

Our neighborhood rocks -- there's no doubt about it. We have a library just down the block, Forest park down the road and charming homes surrounding. We are in a little oasis right off of NW 23rd and that's the way we like it. Oh and did I mention the food? We're surrounded by it. The good stuff too. Even with all of our zany dietary restrictions, there's no possible way we could dine better at lunch. No soy? No problem. Gluten-free? Flavor-full! And the king of them all, the Foodfront Co-op. Could it get better? Why, yes it could in fact! The Co-op is currently under construction to expand their already delicious Deli, including a full salad bar, soups for days, and deli sides that could pass as the main course!! Truly a dream come true. The b&i team has been abuzz dreaming up all the possibilities that could abound. We'll just have to wait and see though. *swoon* I'm not sure what I'm going to eat for the next month while the deli gets its makeover, but I'm guessing it will be so worth the wait. Xo,   Kelly   ***Song of the Moment: Light My Fire by The Doors***
Group 7