99 Things.

I guess it could be implied that a funeral would be a life changing event.  Mostly, because of the events that lead up to the memorial---a man, a boy dying unexpectedly, far too soon.  I had no idea, though (really), what I was in for when I left for LA last week.

All of the things that you imagine would be there, were there:  the tears, the questions, the sadness and depression permeating the room, the furled aching brows suspended in time as if they'd never relent.  Yes, they were all there.  ...But it was the things that one needs the most in such confusing times, that seemed most present to me. There was love pouring in from every angle, every pore, every crack in and underneath the doors.  The lightness lifted us all up and floated us to his memory, hope reaching around the corner, begging us to come and play.  The strength from his mother astounded me.  What a wise, wise woman.  She stood there with her long flowing hair and asked us to be strong.  She asked us to live our lives with integrity and purpose. She left us with an anecdote her grandmother had passed on to her:  In one day, there are 100 things.  99 of those things are great, beautiful, inspiring-- while, 1 thing is troublesome.  Most often, we put our precious energy into that one thing and forget about the other 99 things asking us to love and appreciate them.  Here was a chance to change that, shift our way of thinking.  How true, right!?  How beautiful!! She told us that if we saw her crying, they were tears of joy.  At last, she said that life is short---and to live each day knowing this. I felt so inspired by her strength.  I felt so moved by all of the stories about Adrian, all of the love that gathered in his honor.  It was him.  I'm sure of it. I left the next day, thinking of him and all of the people I love.  I spent a very special time with some best friends, remembering how fortunate we are to be alive, sharing, laughing, loving, playing, trying with every ounce in us to be the best we can be. I'd like to make right with my own 99 things, day after day, year after year.  And I'd love to do this in Adrian's honor.  Thank you, dear friend, for what you've given us.  Your memory is stunning. Thank you to everyone for being so beautiful.  I am truly blessed. ***Song of the Moment: Seyin Djro, by Angelique Kidjo***
Group 7